Castello Balbi di Piovera
Built on medieval pre-existing structures, the Castle of Piovera owes much of its current features to the Viscontis of Milan, who transformed it into a mighty fortress with a large moat in the 14th century. The castle was then passed on to the Balbi family of Genoa, to whom its name is linked, and was finally purchased by Count Niccolò Calvi di Bergolo, the current owner.
Oggi il Castello si presenta come una struttura articolata e molto scenografica circondata da un vasto parco, che offre molteplici spazi per tutti i momenti del matrimonio, dalla celebrazione ai festeggiamenti. La cerimonia può svolgersi in diversi ambienti del Castello, seguendo le inclinazioni degli sposi, ma si può anche tenere nella piccola chiesetta adiacente, dedicata a San Michele Arcangelo.
Today the castle presents itself as an elaborated and very scenic structure surrounded by a large park, offering multiple areas for all the moments of the wedding, from the celebration to the party. The ceremony can take place in different areas of the Castle, according to the inclinations of the bride and groom, but can also be held in the small adjacent church, dedicated to Saint Michael Archangel.
(Civil ceremony in the Castle, religious ceremony in he adjacent church, venue)
Address: Via Balbi, 4 – Alluvioni Piovera 15040
Tel: +39 346 2341141
E-mail: info@castellodipiovera.it
Website: www.castellodipiovera.it